How to fix a bad back

Back movements

•Lay on your back with you feet on the wall knees bent for up to 3 minutes, breath in 4 seconds hold 4 seconds breath out 8 seconds

•Lay on your back with butt against the wall, feet together, tighten your quads for 5 seconds then release

•Lay on your back knees bent, put one right foot on back of your knee and raise left knee towards you feeling stretch in glutes/Piriformis, repeat other leg 3 x 30 seconds

•Lay on your back place lacrosse ball on glute and Piriformis muscle, move around pressing down till you find sore areas and then hold 15 seconds or move back and fore

•Baby cobra — Lie on your stomach with your legs together, arms bent and palms on the ground at chest level, elbows bent. Inhale and lift your chest, keeping the back of your neck long and your chin relaxed. Exhale and return your forehead to the mat. Repeat a few times, focusing on your breath.

•Bird dog — Begin on all fours, then lift and extend one leg and the opposite arm at the same time. Hold for three to five breaths. Switch sides and raise and hold the opposite arm and leg for three to five breaths.

•Cat/cow — Begin on all fours. Place your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. On your inhalation, drop your belly and lift your gaze up to the ceiling. When you exhale, round your spine so your tailbone drops between your thighs and your head lifts between your arms. Repeat multiple times, slowly, to gently increase spinal mobility.

•Psoas lunges — Your psoas muscle extends from your lowest vertebrae to the top of your thigh, putting it in a good position to stress your lower back when it becomes tight. A great way to stretch your psoas is through lunges.

Begin by standing on your knees. Bring your right leg in front of you so that your right foot is on the floor and your knee is bent at a 90-degree angle. Tuck your buttocks slightly and place your hands on your right knee, or your hips. Allow your hips to gently shift forward as you breathe for three to five breaths. Repeat on the other side.

•Twist — Twists help rotate and lengthen your spine and can be performed sitting in a chair or while lying or sitting on the ground. Begin on your back and bring your knees up to your chest. Gently allow your legs to fall to one side and turn your torso in the opposite direction, extending your arm. Breathe in this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side.

You can do this stretch sitting by raising your arms and twisting gently from your torso. If seated in a chair, you can grip the arm of the chair with one hand and put the other hand on the opposite leg. Extend your spine on the inhale and twist a little further on the exhale. Repeat on the other side.

•Airplanes, hold on to a chair stand on one leg in a L shape with one leg in air behind you, move your hip though 45° holding at top for 5 seconds do 10 repetition per side

Strengthening area

•Glute bridges, Lay on your back hands against the wall, bend your legs straighten one leg and raise your hips off floor 3 sets of 10 repetitions per side

• banded clamps shell, put band around knee lay on side, move top knee vertically as far as possible, hold 5 seconds squeeze glutes

• Cossack squat, legs apart lunge to left swivel feet for balance 3×5 reps per side

• kettlebell squat, hold Kettlebell upside down feet shoulders width, squat to parrellel or onto a chair 3×10 reps

• Plank

•Side plank

•Curl up, Lay on your back knees bent, straighten right leg, put hands into waist push hand into side of your stomach then tighten abdominal muscles pushing hands back out, hold for 10 seconds, do 5 reps then repeat with left leg straight.